I intended never to return.
Then again, there are forces from within, those from without, that pull us in. If we resist the tugs at our minds and bodies, we are, nevertheless, shoved into that realm of darkness we endeavored so hard not to reenter once out.
Why did I return, above and beyond those unavoidable forces already alluded to? Was it curiosity over long-faded memories that kicked up inside my crazy head, pushing me to experience anew what had nearly killed me? If you escape the death trap of a burning building, what could possibly lure you back in, unless, of course, you forgot your beloved pet? No, it's the siren's call that beckons you back, giving you a sure vision that, truly, the building is safe, secure, and intact.
My building is not consumed in flames, and it gives an outward appearance of welcome. The door is ajar. By an unseen hand it swings open, but in protracted slow motion that makes me wonder what is real and what is imagined.
I know what not to do, but since when have I ever been sensible?